- 1 - 50 out of 51 results
Search results
Suhail Najim Abdullah
- Department of Pathology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Elhadi Husein Aburawi
- Department of Pediatrics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Ernest Akingunola Adeghate
- Department of Anatomy - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Abdu Adem
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Luai Awad Ahmed
- Institute of Public Health - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Ayesha Salem Al Dhaheri
- Department of Food, Nutrition and Health - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Researcher
Lihadh Ibrahim Al Gazali
- Department of Pediatrics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Bassam Ali
Person: Researcher
Habiba Isse Ali
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Nutrition and Health (CMHS)
Person: Researcher
Fatma AbdelBaqi Al Jasmi
- Department of Genetics & Genomics - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Juma Al Kaabi
- Department of Internal Medicine - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Tahra Ali Al Mahmoud
- Department of Surgery - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Farah Al Marzooq
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology - Assistant Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Ahmed Humaid Al- Marzouqi
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Fatima Nasser Al Maskari
- Institute of Public Health - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Asma Abu Baker Al Menhali
- Department of Biology - Assistant Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Researcher
Fady Alnajjar
- Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering - Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Rami AlRifai
- Institute of Public Health - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Suraiya Anjum Ansari
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Assistant Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Researcher
Samir Attoub
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Starling Emerald Bright David
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Department of Anatomy - Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Zahir Osman Eltahir
- Department of Internal Medicine - Assistant Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Researcher
Amr Abdalla Fawzy
- Department of Biology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Yaser Elhanafy Greish
- Department of Chemistry - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Michal Grivna
- Institute of Public Health - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Md Emdadul Haque
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Frank Christopher Howarth
- Department of Physiology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Rabah Iratni
- Department of Biology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Sherif Mohamed Karam
- Department of Anatomy - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Gulfaraz Khan
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Mohammad Ahmad Khasawneh
- Department of Chemistry - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Karunamoy Kumar Das
- Department of Radiology - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Mohammad Masud
- Department of Information System and Security - Associate Professor, Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Bobby Mathew
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Associate Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Hassib Hosni Narchi
- Department of Pediatrics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Javaid Nauman
- Institute of Public Health - Associate Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Abderrahim Nemmar
- Department of Physiology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Shreesh Ojha
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Carine Marie-Claire Platat
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Nutrition and Health (CMHS)
Person: Researcher
Basel Ramadi
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Tahir Aziz Rizvi
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Bassem Sadek
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher
Mohamed Serhani
- Department of Information System and Security - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Syed Mahboob Shah
- Institute of Public Health - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Safa Aldeen Shehab
- Department of Anatomy - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Khaled Ali Shuaib Shuaib
- Department of Information System and Security - Professor
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Professor
Person: Researcher
Sandeep Subramanya
- Zayed Center Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Department of Physiology - Professor
Person: Academic, Researcher