Analytically derived fragility relationships for the modern high-rise buildings in the UAE

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37 Citations (Scopus)


Investigating and planning for the expected damage that may hit the earthquake-prone areas in the UAE should be undertaken in order to predict and mitigate earthquake losses. This paper discusses a framework for developing an essential driving engine in loss estimation systems, namely fragility relationships. Six reference structures, varying in height from 10 to 60 storeys, are selected due to the concentrated economic and human assets in this class of buildings. The reference structures are designed according to the building codes and construction practice adopted in this region. Inelastic fibre-based simulation models are developed for the buildings using a verified analysis platform, which enables monitoring the spread of yielding and cracking during the multi-step cyclic analysis. The ground motion uncertainty is accounted for using 20 input ground motions conforming to the latest understanding of the seismo-tectonic characteristics of the UAE. A large number of inelastic pushover and incremental dynamic collapse analyses are deployed for the reference structures to derive the fragility relationships. The study illustrates the significance of assessing the vulnerability of a population of high-rise buildings under the effect of various seismic scenarios and the need for expanding this study to cover other classes of structures in this region.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)824-843
Number of pages20
JournalStructural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Building and Construction


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