Clinical and biochemical profile of diabetic patients presented to DHQ teaching hospital, Kohat, Pakistan

Muhammad Asif Iqbal, Abdul Hadi, Ikram Ullah, Muhammad Abdul Rauf, Farooq Ahmad, Muhammad Rehan ul Haq

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: To determine the compliance and complications in diabetic patients through their clinical and biochemical profile. Methodology: It was hospital based descriptive, cross sectional study conducted in outpatient department of DHQ teaching hospital Kohat, Pakistan. Both, newly diagnosed and old diabetic patients were included in the study. Patients were interviewed and assessed for duration of diabetes, type of therapy, number of drugs, compliance to drugs, and complications due to diabetes. Results: The study included 200 patients; mean age was 54.86 ± 9.84 years and males were 69 (34.8%). Types II Diabetes was present in 184 (91.5%) patients. Newly diagnosed diabetics were 23(11.9%). Only 15% were on Insulin therapy. Only 56.7% were compliant to medications. 12.5% were taking alternative therapy. 40(20%) were taking no medications and 120 (59.7%) were taking one drug. Two, three and four drugs were taken by 34 (16.9%), 4(2.3%) and 2 (1.1 %) patients, respectively. Diabetic complications were present in 65(32.3%) patients. Average random blood sugar was 190 ± 80.68 mg%. Adverse effects of therapy were seen in 15 patients (7.5%), hypoglycaemia was the commonest adverse effects of drugs found in 3.8% patients. Conclusion: Diabetes had high rate of complications, with suboptimal treatment strategies and poor compliance to therapy in our population.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)375-378
Number of pages4
JournalRawal Medical Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015


  • Clinical profile
  • Complications
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Epidemiology

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Nursing


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