Flexural, Dynamic and Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Pineapple Leaf Fiber/Epoxy Composites

M. I. Najeeb, M. T.H. Sultan, A. U.M. Shah, S. N.A. Safri, M. Jawaid, A. R. Abu Talib, A. A. Basri

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The properties of pineapple leaf fiber composites drawn from the vastly untapped Yankee pineapple plant variant were tested in this study. The properties of silane treated (T-PALFC) and untreated (UT-PALFC) samples were evaluated using flexural testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and thermomechanical analysis (TMA). In this study, the T-PALFC sample was specifically treated in silane for 3 hours. The results show that the bending strength is improved by up to 97% in PALF composite compared to epoxy composite.The DMA results show that the UT-PALFC possess 7.1% higher storage modulus than T-PALFC, indicating untreated fiber attribute to high dynamic property in composite. The TMA finding shows the sequence of linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) as follows: T-PALFC > Neat epoxy > UT-PALFC. Furthermore, this research shows T-PALFC displayed lower properties compared to UT-PALFC because the composite had low cross-linked network. This is because T-PALFC had low glass transition temperature, Tg as shown in tan delta curve and was further supported in differential scanning calorimetry analysis. Moreover, morphological analysis of the cross-section image of the T-PALFC shows the existence of a wide gap between the PALF and the matrix compared to UT-PALFC.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15930-15947
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Natural Fibers
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Pineapple leaf fiber
  • coefficient thermal expansion
  • dynamic mechanical analysis
  • flexural
  • surface modification
  • thermomechanical analysis

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Materials Science (miscellaneous)


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