Friction and wear of aluminium-5% tin ion plated steel.

O. A. Abu-Zeid

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


In many engineering applications, friction of corrosion protective coatings is of considerable importance. Aluminium coatings are known to have good corrosion resistance in either normal or marine atmosphere. The coatings, however, have poor frictional properties. On the other hand, tin coatings can be used as solid lubricants. In this paper, an attempt to improve the frictional properties of aluminium ion platings by introducing tin into them is reported. The friction and wear properties of alloy coatings consisting of 95% aluminium and 5% tin were studied using a ball and disc tribometer. The results show a considerable improvement in the frictional behaviour of the alloy coatings and a wear resistance comparable to that of aluminium coatings. (A)

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIN
Subtitle of host publicationEUROTRIB 85, 4TH EUROPEAN TRIBOLOGY CONGRESS, (ECULLY, FRANCE: SEP. 9-12, 1985)
PublisherElsevier Sci.Publishers B.V
VolumeI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier Sci. Publishers B.V., 1985, Session CII, Section 1-4, Paper
ISBN (Print)2905733012, 9782905733016
Publication statusPublished - 1985
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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