Impact of quercetin conjugation using alkaline and free radical methods with tandem ultrasonication on the functional properties of camel whey and its hydrolysates

Waqas N. Baba, Priti Mudgil, Joe Mac Regenstein, Sajid Maqsood

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    The structural and functional properties of whey-quercetin and whey hydrolysate-quercetin conjugates synthesized using alkaline and free radical-mediated methods (AM and FRM) coupled with sonication were studied. FTIR showed new peaks at 3000–3500 cm−1 (N–H stretching regions) and the 1000–1100 cm−1 region with the conjugates. Conjugation increased the random coils and α-helix content while decreasing the β-sheets and turns. It also increased the particle size and surface hydrophobicity which was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in AM than FRM conjugates. AM conjugates had higher radical scavenging activity but lower quercetin content than FRM conjugates. Overall, the functional properties of whey-quercetin conjugates were better than whey hydrolysate-quercetin conjugates. However, hydrolysate conjugates had significantly higher denaturation temperatures irrespective of the method of production. Sonication improved the radical scavenging activity and quercetin content of FRM conjugates while it decreased both for AM conjugates. This study suggested that whey-quercetin conjugates generally had better quality than whey hydrolysate conjugates and sonication tended to further improve these properties. This study highlights the potential for using camel whey or whey hydrolysate-quercetin conjugates to enhance the functional properties of food products in the food industry.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number114562
    JournalFood Research International
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


    • Camel whey
    • Camelus domedarius
    • Pepsin
    • Polyphenols
    • Quercetin
    • Whey hydrolysates

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Food Science


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