The extended homotopy perturbation method for the boundary layer flow due to a stretching sheet with partial slip

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11 Citations (Scopus)


A fully analytical solution of the steady, laminar and axisymmetric flow of a Newtonian fluid due to a stretching sheet when there is a partial slip of the fluid past the sheet has been derived using the extended homotopy perturbation method. The solution differs from that obtained by the classical homotopy perturbation method in that it is capable of generating a totally analytical solution up to any desired degree of accuracy and is not limited to the first-order correction terms. For an eight-decimal accuracy, it is sufficient to take 12 terms in the power series in the perturbation parameter, provided that use is made of Shanks' transformation. Unlike other similar problems involving mass transfer across the sheet and/or the presence of a transverse magnetic field, the solution for the present problem is relatively insensitive to the velocity slip parameter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1990-2002
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2013


  • Ackroyd's method
  • axisymmetric flow
  • exact numerical solution
  • extended homotopy perturbation method
  • homotopy perturbation method
  • partial slip

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Science Applications
  • Computational Theory and Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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